::tO mY bEAt::

Monday, July 25, 2005


For some reason, I’ve been very tired these past 3 days; not just physically but mentally too. Perhaps it’s not solely because of fatigue that makes me feel so. Haha! Perhaps it’s also the fact that I have a morning class tomorrow. Whatever it is, it definitely had affected my day. Well, my morning anyway.

I woke up to a message alert from my phone, which was the sound of a doorbell. I planned to ignore it, but did otherwise as usual, thinking it might be from someone special :) True enough! It was my beloved sister who’s currently studying in South Africa. I missed her loads. Imagine your best friend so far away, and can only talk to her so much due to various reasons. It’s awfully hard I tell you! Anyhow, after assuring her that I’ll call her in two hours, I decided to get ready and have breakfast.

Getting a message from my sister was definitely uplifting. However, the news I got during brunch was not at all something to be excited about. My really close friend Meera had a phone call from home, which was obviously bad news– her close cousin was on chemotherapy for leukemia. I couldn’t feel how she felt at that moment. I forgot. But once upon a time I definitely did - my dear teacher had cancer. And everyone was so attached to her it was impossible to not feel anything when it happened. Her sudden death was yet another blow to all of us. InsyaAllah she’ll be resurrected as the wonderful Muslimah we saw her to be amen….

By the time I got back to my room, I was ready to talk to my sis. I needed to hear her voice, I needed her laughter. God knows how relieved I felt the moment I heard Zara’s voice. It was like nothing else mattered. I love her so much. We spoke of my recent birthday and the latest scheme of hers to get to her favourite friend in her school. It felt as if the last 3 weeks away from her was like three years. I can’t imagine myself not being with her for too long. It’s just unthinkable!

Anyway, my day progressed slowly till late afternoon. I did what I usually did on Sundays - the mundane ironing mission and some studying. How boring can life get?? Then, I had a meeting on FBO (Food & Beverage Operations) project. I wasn’t in my typical cheery mood as I always was. Despite that, Alejandro and Olivia, my two close friends, made the whole meeting fun and full of laughter. :) It’s simply wonderful to have friends like them. I consider myself extremely lucky when it comes to friends. From young, I was always surrounded by good friends and people. Allah has really protected me and for that, I’m full of gratitude.

The meeting ended and I decided to entertain myself with the latest episode of Naruto. Boy, did I have a good laugh! It’s such a good series I tell you. It’s not merely another anime. I love it mostly because of how intelligent and perfect the storyline is. The way it was written, one could only be asking for more!

After naruto, I decided to write my blog. That didn’t go according to plan as I was interrupted by Meera. I went to her place for quite sometime. Spent time laughing and talking. I really hope things turn out better for her. She’s being so strong and not showing her feelings. People can’t always understand another’s situation or feelings. But never doubt that someone else in this world feels exactly the same way too. No one is ever alone. And no matter how hard things turn out to be, we should always have faith in the Almighty. God is always there, it’s only humans who are too egoistic to bend down to Him. We’re too ignorant and egoistic to acknowledge the fact that He will help us if only we asked.

I came back to my room at around ten I think. Started to write this blog. Haha! But the highlight if the day was yet to come! I had the best email from my beloved friend Syahid. It was such a sweet mail to wish me happy belated birthday…haha! That definitely made my day! All worries and frustration gone just by reading that mail :)

Now, Meera’s in my room bugging me to get her picture in her camera. And I thought of going to bed after writing this blog! Yeah rite! Haha! Looks like I have to log off. Until next time! Mata ne!


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