::tO mY bEAt::

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Culture Shock!!

I’m sorry to those who were consistently checking up on my blogs. However, last week was yet another busy week for me. Had 2 tests on top of our busy kitchen schedule. We had 16 different types of petite four, and chocolate decorations to do. It was really nice! At the end of it all, we managed to get 2 boxes each to bring home. Actually, we were allowed only one, but since our class had to forgo two days of holiday (one from last week, and the other was the day after I came back from Germany), Chef Urs allowed us two. My whole class planned to send the other box we got home. Hehe! Actually, that’s one of the main reasons why I didn’t want to update my blog. I soo wanted to write this in, but knew if I did, my mom won’t be surprised about the present I sent for the family :D I posted the parcel back to Malaysia on Friday for CHF19. Quite amazing how cheap it was given that it took less than a week for a box that big to reach home. Thanks DiePost!! Hope my family had fun eating it. Ooh! Hope the petite four were still intact! Hehe!

On Saturday, despite the protest of my intuition, I decided to accept my roommate’s request to go to the street parade with her and a few others. It was supposed to be one of the biggest events, where people in Switzerland would sing, dance, eat and wear outrageous costumes. I was hoping it would be something like Fasnacht, where people were in costumes and bands, and they would march down the road to demonstrate their creativity and to celebrate their beliefs - something more of a culture exposure event.

So after brunch and laundry, Jessica (my roommate), Ting, Chi, Hien, Vicky, John, Peter and I, embarked a bus to get to Luzern. It was of a good start as we were laughing and joking most of the time. Jessica and I, especially, had lots and lots of fun! We were listening to her Korean songs (she was singing to it too) and were making fun of things around us. I was already congratulating myself for the choice I made. We arrived in Luzern 10 before 3, met up with the rest of the group and had to get tickets to Zurich. Because of some complications, we only got onto the 1536 train. The one hour train ride was a pleasant one, with some conversations here and there, but mostly looking at the scenery and at stops, people. I was amused with how bizarre the costumes these Swiss could wear. You see, the street parade was supposedly a day of rejoice, were everyone is welcomed to express their love of things (or people) and perpaduan dalam Negara mereka. And so, straights, gays, lesbians, punks, weirdos, crazy people, normal people, the young, the old, well, to sum up, EVERYONE, come out on this day, celebrating.

Obviously I didn’t know what I was getting myself into. I was in for a shock! I had never seen such a sight. The moment we stepped out of the train, I could see so many people that were literally clothed but naked. At first, our group was so surprised with what we saw that everything seemed funny. It was really odd to see such things in a so-called civilized country. Once we started walking though, I started to feel uncomfortable. Allah knows how disgusted I felt about the whole thing. The only time I was happy during that whole “trip” of mine was when I found a Korean shop, and managed to get some Korean foodstuff, taking pictures with Jessica and Ting and the time when I found Chinese vegetable fried noodles. Aside from that, everything was so irritably sickening, that I felt like shaking people and asking them what the hell they were doing!

Imagine a whole city acting like animals, exposing their shame (which in their case I think would be pride), dancing aimlessly, getting drunk, wearing despicable costumes and going crazy. The whole atmosphere was revolting. The only reason I stayed back for as long as I did was because I had to wait for 7 o’clock to get a free train ride home. Throughout the time I was there, I was constantly reminded of my dad who had once related to me about his dream. A dream where, many were hunting for Muslims, but because of the exact conditions I witnessed, the small group of Muslims, were too hard to catch. Every time the Muslims were almost caught, they would turn into a street and would disappear amongst the crowd, as if they were always protected by Allah. I just hope that I am as lucky as those Muslims who were always protected by the Almighty. I couldn’t imagine how these people couldn’t see that their silly attire and actions were not but a disgrace to themselves. How could their minds be so corrupted? How could they be so blind. Only sadness, disgust and wonder fills my memory of that event.

Anyhow, I retreated the earliest I could, and reached home by 9. That was definitely the most relieved moment of my life in DCT. Haha! The sight of my room – such a comfort one would never know unless something unpleasant happened. Chai had a good laugh at me after I told him what happened. Haha! And so, after borrowing cds from him, I had a good time in my room relaxing.

The next day, my school had a football match (which they lost, as they’ve always-hehehe). It was definitely an exciting event. Reminded me soo much of my high school days where life weren’t so complicated. Huhu!! I miss my friends back home !! I love the new one I’ve made too. Life is beautiful.

Looks like I have to pen-off right now. I’ll be writing the latest, perhaps again tonight. I hope it’ll be possible. Anyhow, wish me luck on my next exam on Friday – German! ;) later peeps!


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