::tO mY bEAt::

Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Thing About Love….

Allah has bestowed us with his love from the moment He decided to create us. Everything from our form to our surroundings was planned for our sake, for our comfort and beauty. Our human form is so perfectly and uniquely designed that none is the same as the other. Our body is made complex, with a system so flawless, that synchronization of our movements, structure and cells is not but naturally mind-blowing. I guess when people say that God is within you, they mean that you can find prove of His existence and love through simply looking within yourself.

I’ve always been enticed by the words of Abu Ameenah Bilal Philips about Allah. She said, “If someone sincerely believes in Allah and tries to do good, Allah will give him many opportunities to improve his belief and increases his good deeds. Allah will never cause sincere belief to be wasted, even if the believer falls off the right path, He will help him get back on it. Allah may punish him in this life when he goes off the right track to remind him of his errors and to wake him up to make amends. In fact, Allah is so merciful (I’d also call it loving) as to take the life of a sincere believer while doing a good deed, thereby ensuring that the believer will be among the fortunate dweller of paradise. If someone on the other hand, disbelieves in Allah and rejects righteousness (mind you, only after one rejects the truth that has been laid clearly in front of him), Allah gives him success when he does badly and that encourages him to do more evil until he dies in such a sinful state and is flung into the everlasting fire because of his evil deeds.” Wonderful don’t you think?

Love is miraculous. A person in love can change tremendously just because of love. I mean literally you know? Personality, habits, way of life, beliefs….whatever you deemed was impossible to change, love can. Love is so ancient and powerful. Unfortunately, so blinding too. A person in love can be so delirious that something soooo wrong becomes soooo right and vice versa. At the very least, love will cause some to compromise important decisions and actions. But love is a sacred energy, honed by the power of will. One tends to be more determined and resolved with the existence of love; simply having a purpose to live for.

Some people will go through so much in life before even having the chance to taste the sweetness of love. They’d have to either see the bad side of everything, hating love, but finally find true love and honor and cherish it, or, they’d go through life without love, or rather without realizing the existence of love, believing that love wasn’t meant to be for them, and finally one day, when love hits them when they least expected it, they’d appreciate it more than they thought they would. Others have love coming their way so easily, without a finger lifted and an effort to make, it’s baffling.

I believe everyone has their own fair share of experiencing this powerful feeling of love. Love is not about the difference in age, race, religion or prejudice or even being selfish. It’s about feelings, emotions, understanding, respect, support, guidance, trust, faith, and the ability to share you with that special someone. Sometimes love hurts. But that only proves how deep the love is. It also serves as a reminder and a key to appreciation. Love is like a breath of fresh air, pure and rejuvenating. When one is able to love, he is able to do anything….

:) Thanks Love, you thought me this….


  • Yes, love is beautiful and precious.

    But it's given to us by God equipped with certain rules and responsibilities.

    However enamoured you are, however u are so excited by this precious thing that has arrived at your door, always remember that certain rules are meant to be followed.

    Don't let love destroy you; dont let it make you stray into the evil path.

    By Blogger groove, at 10:40 PM  

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