::tO mY bEAt::

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

A year, Two Months & Three days After....Wow

Wow indeed. I can't believe it's that long since I've blogged. :) Time sure has flown. I guess I've finally agreed to myself that I'm very much settled here in Malaysia. Settled and ready to blog once more! (wonder if this is gonna last!--> bet u thought the same huh Jaffri? :p) Truthfully, I too am not so confident as too how long I'm going to be persistent on this thing again, but I truely hope it'll be awhile till I give in too my laziness...

Alright...so let's make the shortest summary of my life since the last day I blogged:

Started working in Nov 2005 in the Pastry Kitchen of Shangri-La, Kuala Lumpur under the supervision of Chef Artist Leslie for 2 months, then in the Cold Kitchen of Shangri-La's Gourmet Kitchen for one month under the supervision of my colleague and friend Annie and my last 3 months in the Pastry Kitchen, moving from buffet section, to bread-making for a months perhaps and finally the very-much-loved chocolate room for my last two months under the supervision of my colleague and my beloved friend Loh Cheng Kit. Industry training ended in April 2006. My special Thanks to Leslie, Danny, Ah Kit and Annie for the wonderful and priceless experience and fun they've shared with me. I loved my training with a passion if that makes sense. :D

A week after I left my training, I retreated to my lovely and serene kampung in Batu Rakit, Terengganu with one of my closest friend, Fatiha. Although we stayed at our respective family's home, we managed to spend time together for most of the trip. Ha and I had the best 3 days of our lives (well one of anyways), spending one of the days on an Island called Pulau Kapas for a whole day from morning till around 5. I had attended her aunts engagement post-ceremony and we had spend time walking on the beach of Batu Rakits during one of the late afternoons. We took a lot of beautiful pictures during the trip, enough to remember almost everything that we did during the 3 days. I, on the other hand had discovered a "hidden" talent in photography. :D well, at least I think so. ^_^ hehe!

A week later, I found myself on the plane and on my way to Yemen for a short intensive course in Arabic Language. At first, I was devastated about the prospects of me being there. Hated the fact that I was forced to do it, but weeks after weeks, I found myself liking, even loving what I had there - my foster families, especially my two moms, Aunty Wan and Aunty Maizan, the friends that I've made and come to love deeply, especially my teacher and best friend Ustazah Khawlah, and shockingly Sana'a, the ancient city. Although I'm pretty sure that my last 10 days there were the best, what with the short road trip I had and the few lil adventures I took, my days in Yemen were really special in my heart. After a wonderful 3.5 months experience in that 3000 year old city, I left for Malaysia with a new eyes and understanding in life as a whole.

The next month or so was spent in preparations of my beloved sister, Zara's, wedding. It was the month of Ramadhan and so, apart from the wedding preparations, it was a time of Ibadah and reflections. And being the last time of us, as a whole family to celebrate this years Ramadhan and Eid al-Fitr, we cherished every moment of it. Zara and I spent most afternoons cooking for the family and at night, my family and I would frequent the mosque, reviving the spirit of Ramadhan with hopes of pleasing the Almighty and "meeting" Layla al-Qadr. Alhamdulillah, Ramadhan came and left teaching me more of my religion and faith. Eid was celebrated with mixed feelings of sadness and joy.

On the 4th of November, Siti Zara was wedded to Ahmad Nizam, in the sweetest wedding. For many who were skeptical of arranged marriages, the newly weds proved how such a strictly followed traditions led to a happy ending. It was indeed a beginning of a wonderful life for my beloved sister and husband. A new chapter, a new beginning, a new life, a new love, and boy oh boy do I see a lot of love :) Alhamdulillah. Both husband and wife left for England at the end of the month and are now busy moving into their new home in Luton.

So for the past month since my Beloved sister and brother left, I've been busy college-hunting, taking orders from people (well mostly my aunts) to do cakes and pastries, and teaching Ha to cook all my tasty and easy recipes which I'm so proud of :D owh! And did I mention a lot of going out and catching up with family and friends. Teeheeeeeeeeee!! ^^, The latest was my family day in PD, family dinner at Aunty Nina's house, and going out with Sakinah, best friend from morning till a little after noon. :D

So technically, my life has been a fruitful one for this pass year, two months and three days. Of course, some days are plain boring or rather unproductive, but for the most of it, it has been a blast! ^_^ woops! I suppose my summary isn't so short after all...^_^; Its 1225am and I still can't connect to blog. But technically I blogged in time for the said title. O well, I'll try posting this tomorrow then...till then, that's all from me.


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