::tO mY bEAt::

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

When There’s So Much To Say

2300+, 261206

Have you ever wanted to say so many things to someone close to you when you suddenly realize how near the time is for them to leave or start a new life? Or sometimes, they’re not leaving but they just forgot or don’t realize how much they mean to you and think you take them lightly. It’s like all of a sudden a million words form and jumble in your mind and you just want to pour it all out to your loved ones. I’ve had this experience happening to me more than once and on all accounts, I’ve never manage to tell them everything I feel in my heart. I suppose I never will. Because when it comes to those people that we are so close to you, words can never be enough. After you’ve told them something and left, you’d realize that you forgot to tell them something else or what you told them was not enough.

Today was such a day. I have a special close friend leaving to pursue his studies in Dublin, Ireland. My Best Guy Friend. Syahid Mohd. Zain. That’s one dude who’ll always have a special place in my heart. I’ve always wanted him to know all the things I’ve felt for him (both good and bad :p haha! Mostly good of course). He’s such a good friend. Someone you could rely on to stick with you through your highest and lowest point of your life, supporting and believing in you, giving you hopes and strength to do what you will. You know he’d be there with his smiles, jokes and laughter that will keep you happy all day long. A thought of him brings a warm smile that is felt all the way to your heart. I’ve always loved him for his kindness and care. I mean damn he could just annoy the hell outta me when he teases me, but all is good when I’m in my wittiest moods. :) Plus you can never get upset or annoyed with that softhearted guy. The moment you pull a long face, he’ll start sucking up to make you smile. More than words though, his actions depict his inner feelings and love. That’s Syahid for you.

As I was thinking of him this morning, I contemplated upon writing a whole letter to place along with the card I bought him, so that I could share what little experience and advice I have for him. Words after words were forming in my mind to remind him of our faith in Islam, the dangers of compromising bad deeds, the memories and times shared together, how he should be prepared for the erratic weather and owh just everything came to my head. But when it came down to actually writing on the card, I went totally blank. Geez, so much for ideas I thought. In the end, I settled with the idea of writing the more important issues in the shortest and nicest way in that card and not the long letter I initially planned for. :) Though it was concise, it covered pretty much everything. I figured, it’s always nicer to tell you loved ones of your feelings for them over a period of time rather than everything at once.

It was really nice to have a proper lunch with my friends for once. On hindsight, I knew it was my last day to actually be with Syahid in a long time. However, I hadn’t felt sad over it for the thought of him starting something so exciting and new overpowered that sadness. I’m happy for my dear friend who’s embarking on his new chapter of life. And because of that, all the usual sms, online chats, joking, laughing and the rarely attempt of hanging out and dining we had today remains as a happy and cherished memory.

Love you lots Syahid. All the best in your quest of life! Allah ma’aka (May Allah be with You)…..


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